First Generation Cockapoos
Plan For 2025 updated 2/20/25
We have Cockapoo puppies!!!!!
Ms Honey, had 5 petite pups with 8lb Jeter. Pups can go home March 8th. All pups are reserved.
Ms Toffee, bred with Jeter, so we are expecting small super cute cinnamon Cockapoos, due late March, pups go home late May
Ms Dayzie, is taking a well deserved break. She makes petite cinnamon w/white Cockapoo puppies. Dayzie weighs in at 20lbs.
Pricing is $2000.00 for girl or boy Cockapoo.
Tails will be left long.
$500 refundable deposit will be collected after pups are born and will reserve your puppy, Usually at 3 weeks old. The remaining $1500 will be collected when you pick up your pup.
My Moms are small and only have 4 to 6 pups in a litter.
I will keep your email sent to:
For my waiting goes in order of contact date.
I will contact you after the pups are born.
If interested, in being contacted,
please put in the subject line what you would like, sex and color.
So, you can watch this page and if a pup becomes available and no one on my wait list wants, I'll advertise here.
Thank you for your patience. I prefer to stay small/hobby so these pups get lots of attention and well socialized, for a well rounded pet and family member